Color Name Combination Result
Red Cure Wounds Widoweep Berries Restores 10 hit points
Blue Magic Potion Rhina Root Restores 10 spell points
Yellow Energy Poppysnaps Adds 10 to primary stats temporarily
Purple Cure Poison Red + Blue Cure poison
Green Resistance Blue + Yellow Adds 10 to resistance temporarily
Orange Protection Red + Yellow Adds 10 to armor class temporarily
White Stone Skin Blue + Orange Grants stone skin for six hours
White Bless Purple + Blue Grants bless for six hours
White Extreme Energy Orange + Yellow Adds 10 to primary stats temporarily
White Haste Green + Yellow Grants haste for six hours
White Heroism Orange + Red Grants heroism for six hours
White Restoration Purple + Green Cure all conditions except dead and stoned
White Super Resistance Green + Blue Adds 20 to resistance temporarily
White Supreme Protection Orange + Green Adds 20 to armor class temporarily
Black Divine Cure Restoration + Orange Adds 100 hit points if at or below maximum and adds one year to age
Black Divine Magic Super Resistance + Green Adds 100 spell points if at or below maximum and adds one year to age
Black Divine Power Extreme Energy + Purple Adds 20 levels temporarily and adds 2 year to age
Black Essence of Accuracy Bless + Yellow Adds 15 to accuracy and subtracts 5 from luck permanently
Black Essence of Endurance Supreme Protection + Yellow Adds 15 to endurance and subtracts one from all other stats permanently
Black Essence of Intellect Stone Skin + Blue Adds 15 to intellect and subtracts 5 from might permanently
Black Essence of Luck Super Resistance + Purple Adds 15 to luck and subtracts 5 from accuracy
Black Essence of Might Heroism + Red Adds 15 to might and subtracts 5 from intellect permanently
Black Essence of Personality Restoration + Blue Adds 15 to personality and subtracts 5 from speed permanently
Black Essence of Speed Haste + Red Adds 15 to speed and subtracts 5 from personality permanently
Black Rejuvenate Extreme Energy + Green Removes all magical aging affects and subtracts one from all seven primary stats